fill fre to emale me for advis and chats. Here is a pome I rote:
Do You Have a Hoo Hoo?
By Mumford
Who needs a hoo-hoo
When you have a fine tail,
Long and skinny, curled, or straight
Sexier than ripe melon
On a summer’s night?
Who needs a ho-ho
When you have lips
Luscious and red
Eyes that shine deep mysteries
Like love in a wishing well?
Sock Monkeys everywhere
Are free to love
Whomever they choose,
In a dress, or pants
Or nothing at all.
Peece Out.
What do you do if yu need to do laundrey but your laundrey room is right across from your nosy, talk tak talk talk land ladies apartment?
My dear Celeste: ask a frend to coll u on the sell fone wich u keep in yur pokit. Wen Miz TALKEEBUT starts bothurn u, sa "Im soree, but this is importunt fone coll..."
If that dusnt work, then u must konfrunt her direckt an let her no that she needs to shut her piehole. You must establush bonderees. Reespeck yoursellf. MumFord
or say the serenity prayer.
Xcuze me,JESKA, but does this blog say JESKAS BLOG advis? iM the ADVISUR.
yes, she cood say the sirenete prer.
All so, she cood jus NOT do ene lawndre.
Oh, kindred spirit.
I have a drinking problem!
What should I do?
Here is my latest drunken stuper pics.
Help me (and call me and we can talk outfits),
deer StarBuck: you have veery nice lips. R u a sock? (Im a red heel and have black buttun eies)
it looks like maybe u just had 2 much n 1 nite. u have 2 pace yursef and numbur won rool: nevur drink aloan. All so, watur is a good chaser.
i Luv yur stars. ill bet u enspire poets.
I don't really think I'll enspire anyone. I don't have much self esteem. That's why I drink ya know.
My sister is trying to become a balarina dancer. Her name is Twilakay. Here's a pic of her by the window:
Any hoo hoo, I'll check back next week since I'm leaving town for a while. You take care now Mummy boy.
ur pal,
Mumford -
My husband has a crush on Nancy Pelosi. I feel very confused. Please help.
deer confuzed,
let me axk u
win is the last time u chekd his hed? Cheking fore flees wil calm him an all so relaxis him into a state of trooth.
He sowns like a gret intulektool. most min hava crush on angeleena joe lee. at the Sock Monkey lounge, they argew all the time abowt wether or not Pelowsi had her eies done. i think she just got her brows waxd.
Dont fret, H. Pole littlecul crushes r the noblist kine.
luv, mumFord
deer Starbuck,
U an Twilakay r vere udoribull.
An u enspird me:
Starbuck Starbuck
Under the moon
Dont drown yur sorros
With a bottull or spoon
But look to yur hart
Wer stellur thots rise
An yur blue lips are smiling
So to lite up the skyes.
luv, mumFord
p.s. i just hav pomes flow out of me.
P.S. Starbuck: I lookt at yur sister Twinkulkay's pitcher an just hav to axk, is she on crac?
Ha Ha. No crack. But we do have triplets to contend with. When I was lost under the bed for a few years, Twilakay was all they had. She's been restuffed more times than I can count. Real trouper that Twilakay.
your new pal,
that is the saddest thing to get left under a bed. now u made me cry Starbuck!
pleze tell me what to do wen my dog tries to have sex with my cat.
deer Rawls:
do u hav a videeo camra? jus kidding. what i wonder is what does yur KAT do? mos kats i no of wood claw ther anichuls on that dawgs face.
yur kat mite enjoy the affeckshun?
If ther encounters annoy u, axk them to pleez leev the room, or squirt them with a watur bottle spray. If that dusent work, jus go to the Sock Monkey lounge for a few drinks and conversashun until ther done.
good luk. lemme no how it works out.
luv, mumFord
Mumford. I am Hopelessly in love with a Co-worker. She is Involved with another Guy. Should I leave my Wife and Pursue this Relationship?
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