

sumtimes i get mad. one thing that helps get ovur beeeng mad is choklit cuverd gram crakurs. i luv them.
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Blue Writer said...

This blog is so funny!!! XD


There's so much wit and intelligence of character written. :)


Anonymous said...

Dear Mumford,
My friend Ruie is very unhappy at work and at home. He is sad and quet all the time. He doesn't go see movies like he used too, or laugh and smile. He doesn't play soccer or cook like he used to. We tell him to take time off and he pouts. What should he do?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mumford,

Long time reader first time writer. Sometimes I get mad too. People tell me to meditate and do yoga and stuff. Do you do yoga?

Mellow in Monroe

Celeste said...

Sometimes I get mad too and make pretty much the same expression. Swimming in the pool makes me happy. And new shoes.

Mumford said...

oh my god shoos.
lets get sum shoes. lets get sum shoes.
(ha ha)

Mumford said...

deer Mellow: i hav tride yoga, but i think isecreem has better flavur an they hav the same kalorees probbly.

Mumford said...

deer anominus: powting is very indavidjul. Ruie mite need to throw things and cuss. if so, tell him to go to the park and do that. peepul wil think its a sport. or he mite need to cry a littel. peepul wil just think hes poettic. or he mite need to see a funny movee, like dum and dummer. or go dansing. keep incurrigin him an be a fren. We all need frens.
luv, mumFord

Anonymous said...

chocolate is the only candy I like in the world. When I am sad, I eat chocolate. When I am happy, I eat chocolate. I love chocolate covered caramels the best of all candy in the world.

Mumford said...

Let me tell you sumthin, Sgt. Pepper: yu hav not lived til you hav ate chocolate covored raysins. They are the best.
i luv them.