
Mixed Relashunships

me and Dundee hav lived at the same howse for five yers, but i still feel nervus abowt bein alone with him. Dawgs have bin nown to teer sock monkeys apart! i try to be freenly and tollerent,k but KAWSHUS!


Jessica said...

dear mumfies,
this is not encouraging. my doggie and my kitty have been living in the same house for 3 months and my kitty cannot stand my doggie. will they ever get along?

Celeste said...

I think life is full of those kinds of relationships mumford, sometimes its because the other person might be an A-L-I-E-N.

Mumford said...

oh my gosh! how can you tell? is ther a definit way to chek?
Worried now,

Mumford said...

deer jeska; i think your kat will all ways resent that you brot that dawg into the howse. And your dawg has no klue. My observashun is that dawgs are just blisfully ignernt abowt everything.