
expreshun in rap

The Mumf Projeck

Yo Yo
Why you be trippin out
the red heel what its abowt
got me a crib in the mowntins
in the summer deck a fowntin
got booze in the celler
unlimited plezure
don't mess wi me
cause I can choke you out
with yarn, no joke
im a bad mutha
you don wanna provoke
yo yo im da MumFord.

Check it out.

Da Mumford.

Dats right.

Da Mumford.

Peece OUt.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Mumford,

My name is Ernest, and I have a bit of a problem. Though I don't have cool style like you, I have been told I resemble a celebrity except for around the eyes. I don't think it's very flattering, but I preserver. Can you offer me some advice on how to change my image? Here's a link to a picture I took of myself.


Mumford said...

Ernest: i am unabul to see your pitchur. Try agin, or deeskribe yoursef.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mumford,

I want to get very rich by becoming a rapper, but it seems like many of the bestselling raps are about already having lots of money and cars. What should I rap about if I don't have money or cars yet?

I don't have promiscuous relations, and I have never been in a physical altercation. Should I pick a fight with someone?

Please advise.



Mumford said...

deer Melissa: are you a skollar like Dr. Pepper? I dont no all yur big words. It is a good sine -- that you hav sumthin to say!
Pomes shood be frum the hart. Wat moovs you? Wat do you luv? Wat is yur xpeerience? Find owt yur sole messige, and then put it to rithum, girlfren.
Send it to me.
Luv, MumFord

Lisa said...

Nice Blog and well written :-)
