
Heetwave Tips

a good place to hang out on reel hot days is the safrigerator, but dont sit on any jello.


Celeste said...

I wish I had a refrigerator I could fit in. My sister and I usually jump in the pool. Sometimes after we've been swimming and have dried off and showered and have gone out, we come back and jump in again! You should could come swimming.

Anonymous said...

Wow Mumford, you have a lot of "Can't Believe it's not Butter" in your fridge, got any plans for that?

Mumford said...

deer C.,
i tried surfing in mowee and it took me fiv owers to dri. sinse then, i ownly lookit peepul swimmin. sock monkeys caint swim.
luv, MumFord

Mumford said...

deer bunny,
btw, i luv your name. Are you a bunny?
i dont use that tub margerene, sumbody els does. i ownlee use budder. i luv it.

Anonymous said...

No Mumford, I'm not really a Bunny. That's just my name. We've met before, but you probably wouldn't remember my face. You just kept looking at my boobs.....

Mumford said...

i nevur forgit a face. i DO remimber you! we shared a smoke at the sixties theeme party!
oh you bunny!