

now i tak keer of Gunter Wilson. hez not rite an onlee has won good ie. he cant even reed. im teeching him abowt everthing.
luv, MumFord


Cheryl said...

You are a kind soul; my guess is your pal is too. I always enjoy reading your blog and I often share your entires with my friends & my twelve year old son. Our dog has a small toy that looks like a monkey (not as handsome as you!) and we named it MumFord. You make us smile!

Cheryl said...

I forgot to tell you that we love your video under the "Ubsesshuns" entry...did you know you were being watched?? My friend "KP" wrote to you a few weeks back. I saw her monkey at a party in the 80's - he was pleasantly smiling, sitting next to KP's brother who had "fallen asleep" on the sofa. I was surprised he was that sleepy...the party had a dunk tank and everything! Her monkey didn't have a cool a wardrobe like yours. Where do you shop?

Mumford said...

deer cheyrl.i hav a seemstris becawse of my speshul shape. i didnt no i was bein wached. peepul can be sneeke.
But i luv pardys.
i plan to take Gunter Wilson to a pardy if i can teech him to stop eeting bugs.
luv, MumFord
pee es: shoodint yur dawgs toy be naem 'MuMFord Joonyer'?

KP said...

Mumford, your friend Gunter looks sort of like Petey the dog from Little Rascals in a red bumble bee outfit. Do you think your seamstress will be able to make some cool outfits for him? Maybe it will help him not eat bugs. If that doesn't work maybe he will eat a tequila worm at your next party. Rock on!

Mumford said...

deer KP,
Gunter Wilson thinks he mite be a dawg, but hez mixed up. he ate most of a sinted candul today, but so far he dont seem sick frum it. he tryed to wer one of my caps on his hed but his hed is to squashee an it popped off.

Celeste said...

I think it is so kind of you to take care of gunter. I wish you the best of luck. Is gunter going to get to be a world traveler too? I heard bugs have protein.

Anonymous said...

Gunter looks like a dog. Maybe he will bite you. Did you find him abandoned?

Mumford said...

deer Sgt. Pepper: Gunter folowe d me home an now he lives wif me. so far he dont bite.

Mumford said...

deer Celeste:Gunter all so eets thumtacks and pebuls. Do those hav proteen? He tole me he can drive, so maybe will see if that is troo.