me, Gunter Wilson, Argus Emerson, and Mojo sat on the deck to xpereense the snow.
Sock Monkey Mumford displays many moods (and sometimes outfits) to express the depth of his character at home and in travel. Mumford is a poet and authority on life, love, art, etc., offering free advice on many subjects, although he's not a good speller.
What deep expression of winter.
To find warmth and comfort in the presence of a blazing fire. Drink in one hand and (for me) a cigarette in the other. Only the beginning of a good evening.
deer mulissa, i ogree wif you compleetly.
happy holly days,
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. I would invite you over but I have two small children and I know how much they frighten you. God Bless!
You no, parrents aways SAY they trust ther childrin, but they dont notis win childrin pull owr ies off or swing us awround by the tale. i herd stories from owld monkeys at the sock monkey lounge.
Thanks ennyway.
and happy holly days.
Maybe you should move to Goa.We have tropical climate all year round and enough monkeys to make you feel at home.
do you have jack danyuls in goa?
Hi Mumford! I was wondering what you are going to be doing tonight for New Years Eve. Of course I know it will involve alcohol, but was wondering what type of fun you will have. Dancing, theatre, movies?
deer bun: this is my las chanse befor stowing into a soot case. im goin to Sin Fransiko. Got my bowtye. Got my musik note pants on! Toodel lu!
mumfies, I just wanted to let you know North by Northwest is on.
i luv that moovie SO MUCH dont you? i hav a machbook that i saved to rite on: 'ther onto you. im in your room' an' I threw it down to Gunter Wilson from the book shef. He was sittin on the cowch and he picked it up and he ATE IT. he is not rite.
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