
repeet ofenders

we woodhav made it out the stor if SUMBODY hadnt dropped his STOOPID RAYZINS!


Anonymous said...

Oh Mumford! Don't you know a life of crime doesn't pay? Could it be that you are tipping the booze a little too often? Sometimes we do things when we are drunk that we wouldn't do otherwise. If you get sent up the river, don't drop the soap!!!

Mumford said...

Bunny, ar yu ensinuating that i am STEENKY? i tak a bath TWIS a yer!

Celeste said...

I cannot beleive you are setting such examples for Gunter! He is very impressionable!

Mumford said...

Inno, Celeste, but sumtimes i get teempted. i am sorre, but mosely sorre that we haf to do comunidy service now.

Anonymous said...

Community service!?! Oh, I'm just dying to hear what the judge thought would be a good way for you to contribute to the community.
It was nice to see you Friday night Mumford. Sorry you had to hide under the table all night from fear of my daughter! She can be a little rough with sock monkeys.

Mumford said...

deer bunny: me and Gunter Wilson have to pik up trash arownd the Summit Store and all so bodels an sigeret buts. we haf to clene the pordabul toylits, to. it is so grose.
I haf to wach Gunter bekawse he eets buts an bugs and evin owld gum. it is a hard job to clene AN wach him at the same time.