
Snow Day

i luv it.


Anonymous said...

Oh Mumford that is so beautiful! And I like how you said "like forgiveness falling from the sky". You are so poetic! I never knew that about you...

Mumford said...

deer Bunny: im a nachurl poet. see 'Do You Have a Hoo Hoo' in my arkivs on this blog. Injoy the holly days.

Anonymous said...

that is my favorite song in the whole world! Everyday I sit by my window and look for snow. I hope it comes soon.
Your friend,
Sgt Pepper

Mumford said...

Sgt Pepper: I LUV IT TOO! We are like TWINS! Winnertime is not ovur, so dont giv up on the snow, keep wachin.
btw, hav you ever herd that song on the akordeon? it will send cheels up your tale.
Luv, MumFord